


本會留意到於社交媒體的專頁上有文章指出,發現有人在郊外公眾地方設置疑似實用射擊場景進行射擊活動,本會對此行為非常關注及譴責,此舉有違背射擊安全守則和罔顧公眾人士安全,而且此行為已干犯香港法例第228章 《簡易程序治罪條例》第4條在公眾地方犯的妨擾罪等(14A) 明知或疏忽地以氣槍發射,而對任何人構成危險或煩擾; 第238章《火器及彈藥條例》第20條(3)(c)(ii)管有仿製火器的目的會危害公眾安寧。


[Conducting Shooting in Public Outdoor Area]

Via social media, HKAPSC has been made aware that someone has set up an imitated Practical Shooting course outdoors in a public park and conducted shooting at the site. HKAPSC is deeply concerned about and condemns this action, as it violates the principle of safe shooting and shows a complete disregard for public safety. Such action is also a breach of the Law of Hong Kong, particularly CAP. 228 Summary Offence Ordinances, Clause 4. Nuisances committed in public places, etc., (14A) knowingly or negligently discharges an air gun to the danger or annoyance of any person; and CAP. 238 Firearms and Ammunition Ordinance, Clause 20 (3)(c)(ii) A person does not commit an offence in possession of an imitation firearm if he satisfies the magistrate that he was not in possession of the imitation firearm for a purpose dangerous to the public peace, or of committing an offence, or in circumstances likely to lead to the possession of the imitation firearm for a purpose dangerous to the public peace, by himself or any other person.

If any HKAPSC member is found to have been involved in such action in a public location outdoors, he/she will be subject to disciplinary action by HKAPSC.

Hong Kong Airsoft Practical Shooting Confederation


© 香港氣槍實用射擊總會 | 版權所有
Photo Credit by Lucien Chan